08 9381 3344

Policies and Helpful Documents for Care Team Members

This page provides useful At Home Care policies, procedures, and other documents in one handy place while you are on shift.

For At Home Care’s full catalogue of policies and procedures, please refer to ASTRO. If you are unable to find the information you are looking for, please get in touch with your Engagement Coordinator.

Useful on-shift resources

Not sure about how to approach an on-shift procedure? The following resources will assist you with upholding best practice procedures while on shift. Click on the links below to learn more.

Quick cheat sheets:

Other helpful resources:

Popular policies

Want to brush up on At Home Care’s policies? Click on the links below to access our most commonly referenced policies.

Guides for workplace safety, emergencies and disasters

To protect yourself and our clients from danger, it is important to know what to do in an emergency before the situation arises. The following resources will assist you with upholding best practice procedures in an emergency. Click on the links below to learn more.

Quick Cheat Sheets:


At Home Care is dedicated to supporting clients and team members to live and work safely. This includes mitigating the risk, impact and spread of COVID-19.

Click here to visit our dedicated COVID-19 hub for care team members, or visit our Frequently Asked Questions.

Partners and Affiliations

At Home Care is proud to be affiliated with the following organisations:

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